JP has me pondering 2007 this afternoon. It's naw so gooood.
Sure, it looked okay heading into it, but the last 10 days have really kicked my butt.
We had a wonderful Christmas vacation with our families and were blessed with great traveling weather. Things really worked out for us.
But that was in 2006.
You can literally list the butt kicking day by day...
January 1
Canceled shopping plans midday with aunt Sandy because of exhaustion and nausea. Spent the afternoon in bed.
January 2
The kids and I were supposed to return to school after a short winter break, but we instead were home with tummy aches.
January 3
Returned to school, but what's that sludgy stuff all over the driveway? It's coming from my car.
January 4
Missed yet another day of school because Maddie supposedly had a stomach ache. Turns out I wasn't better yet and spent the entire day in bed.
January 5
Thought the car was fixed. Was lead astray.
January 6
The highlight of the year. Spent the day with David and the kids, running around to many, many stores. Got a manicure, but it sucked, including the color.
January 7
David broke his toe. I had meetings all day (not so bad). When are the going to split my ward?! (soon)
January 8
This one was a doooosy. My very sick car had to be towed across the valley. Spent the entire afternoon dealing with repair, tow, and rental arrangements. Then felt crappy after eating fast food for dinner. Oh, you can imagine my inner snob emerging when I got stuck with a Ford Focus as my rental.
January 9
The repairs are going to be close to $1,000! David is really sick, even has a fever.
January 10
I couldn't sleep passed 3 am and had a raging headache. The Ford POS rental has a flat. David had to drive me to work. Silver lining: the rental was replaced with a VW Jetta. That's more my speed.
I'm not depressed. Not even in that bad of a mood. A little stressed. So much for having a couple bucks in savings.
I'm looking forward to the future. Looking forward to a great 2007. Looking forward with as much cheesiness as it takes.
As 2007 continues I'm hoping for:
my ward to split.
family reunion in May (mom's side).
having the summer free from work.
Yes, I've just jinxed it all. But here's to hoping.
PS This is horrible. (gulp) My Christmas tree is still up.