Thursday, July 26, 2007

Baby Blues?

Have you ever seen a baby that you didn't want to hold?
What a horrible question for me to ask, I know.
There is a family in our neighborhood/ward with one daughter followed by four boys. The middle three boys are complete maniacs, and the fourth is a newborn that I would imagine gets pretty roughed up by his brothers.
Tuesday night at a neighborhood BBQ some 11(ish)-year-old girl, probably a friend of big sister's, held the newborn and was not gentle. I was really uncomfortable and really had to force myself to look away.
Last night at Scouts mom and sister thrust newborn into my Maddie's arms and the left the building for several minutes. I could see some distress on Maddie's face, even she didn't want to hold newborn. Why? He was filthy. His clothes were filthy, and had a ring from where the unchanged diaper soaked his clothes.
I rescued Maddie from the icky baby and strategically held the baby so his messiness wouldn't get on me. Fortunately, big sister came along before too long.
I'm a little ashamed of myself for being repelled by a sweet little baby, I wonder how this little one survives this lifestyle. I'm a big, somewhat strong grown up, but even I'm afraid of his crazy brothers.