Wednesday, November 08, 2006

California Visitor

He came. He went.
It was one of the busiest week's I've had since we moved here. Everyday after work I had...
Monday: Sign Language Class
Tuesday: Visiting Teaching, Halloween
Wednesday: Enrichment (to which I took homemade Chicken Chili)
Thursday: Activity Days
Finally, Friday arrived and I got to hang out with my brother. I dragged him up to Logan to see our cousin at college. It's a long drive to just have dinner, and then turn around and come back. But at least we finally got to hang out.
Don't feel too sorry for Jordan, he wasn't sitting around waiting for me. David was on vacation, and the two of them had quite the week. They kept themselves busy with Seinfeld re-runs, an afternoon at Cabellas, Isaac's Halloween program, two movies, batting cages, miniature golf (what, are they dating?) a couple trips to the mall, and they filled in the gaps with the start of the basketball season.
I hope the visitor comes back soon.

1 comment:

Jaye said...

they make a cute couple