Sunday, December 02, 2007

Returning to the World of Literature

When I was younger, I was a reader.
When I was 10(ish) to 13, I remember reading everything and anything, some age-appropriate, some not. I loved the Ramona books, the Judy Blume books, and the Little House on the Prairie books, and eventually the teeny-bopper books.
I quickly moved on to more advanced books. Cannery Row, The Good Earth, Lord of the Flies, Animal Farm, (ahem) Thorn Birds, just to name a few. Somewhere in there was Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn.
Since then: zero. Nada. Zilch. Nothing.
Okay, maybe a couple of books, but no more than a few.
You know how it is when you're a wife and mom, there's no time. For anything.
The once or twice that I did get in to a book, all else ceased to exist around me until I'd read the entire book. House work waited, the kids had to fend for themselves. Not too fair to the little ones.
Isaac had a book report due this Thursday (my birthday, of all days, lucky me). Picking out the book was a chore, and was put off until the last minute. It had to be fairy-tale or fantasy, but never made in to a movie. When I suggested one book that resides in our collection, he said "No! That's Realistic Fiction."
I finally found one that qualified: The Magician's Nephew, which is the first in the Narnia series. With much nagging from mom, he was able to get through it in about 6 days.
I decided that since a poster and puppets were to be turned in for this project, I should know our material, and I started the first book I'd read in a long time.
I'm surprised, but pleased to say that I finished the book today. I wasn't terribly thrilled with the first half, but loved the second. If these Narnia books really are Christian-based, there are some touching moments in this story.
What next? Should I FINALLY take on the Harry Potter series? Should I continue with Narnia? I have been dabbling in (and should finish) 7 Habits/Teenagers (which I highly recommend).
There are the two 'red' classics that I've never gotten to: Where the Red Fern Grows and Red Badge of Courage. Maybe I'll start with those.
One thing for sure: no Shakespeare.


JP said...

I vote for HP (obviously), then Where the Red Fern Grows (I LOVED that book) and then I know I read Red Badge...but I'd say that the Narnia books come WAY before reading that one. And yes, they are C.S. Lewis is a Christian writer.

Funny that one of Paige's first book projects was for The Magician's Nephew.

Pick which one you're going to start. Maybe I'll read it with ya...
(sshh...don't tell Sarah.)

Sarah Maren said...

JILL! You have a reading list to stick to! Don't EVEN start with me!

As for you Jess... well, we will spend some time talking about books and what you should read. I think a trip to the book store is going to be needed. Horray!