Sunday, November 25, 2007

T Minus 26

The arrangements have been made. We're coming home for Christmas.
In 26 days.
And it's going to be a long 26 days.
As I go about life here in Utah, 600 miles from home, I keep my guard way up. It's a requirement. I have to fight off the homesickness.
But now, after surviving the arrival of a new nephew two states away, and after surviving yet another Thanksgiving away from all of you, I need to get through the next 26 days.
I can tell my heart is softening. I got teary during the intermediate hymn during Sacrament meeting. It's one that gets stuck in my dad's head and he sings it around the house for a couple of days straight.
My kids are homesick too. Every conversation revolves around Grammy. And I think Maddie and Paige are up to 4 phone calls a day.
Inevitably, December will fill up. It always does. Maddie has a choir concert on the 5th. The ward party with cook-off is the 14th.
I will have distractions. Other things will help me to not dwell on home.
But home will be the biggest distraction of all.


JP said...

well...I just teared up. It sucks that I won't get to spend that much time with ya.

*le sigh*

Tifferbob said...

I know all too well, how you are feeling. There's nothing sweeter than family.

Stay busy! Have a great trip home!

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TODAY! Incase I don't get a hold of you I just wanted you to know that I am thinking about you. Love Rebecca