Thursday, March 27, 2008

Because I Have to Keep Up WIth My Sister

She posted, now I have's really not sibling rivalry.
FINE! You dragged it out of me.
David has a new position at work.
We are moving around the corner to a brand new house that we will probably buy next year.
I have had more desserts/sweets in the last five days than I have in the last year.
I am contemplating retirement.
I am getting over another cold.
But new today (because I am overwhelmed by the move and because I am hormonal): I am homesick. All day long I've been wondering why I want to move in to this possibly short-term but wonderful new house when I should be working my way west.
Give me five minutes and a bowl of ice cream, my mood will swing.


Anonymous said...

HUH? Apparantly I know nothing that is going on. We need a gab session to catch up---soon!


Tifferbob said...

A new house is always exciting!