Saturday, March 01, 2008

Bert Doesn't Live Here

We're going to have a lot of Firsts this year. Starting with last night.
Isaac, Maddie and I got to spent last night with Melissa, dragging her from one end of Orem to the other.
While we were out, and because she's tired of being teased at school about her 'unibrow', we did it.
Maddie had her first eyebrow wax.
Just down the middle, we'll shape 'em some other time.
She handled it like a pro. For Pete's sake, she's watched me go under the knife, er strip, dozens of times.
So we're off. Off to the adolescent races.
We've already agreed that she gets to start shaving her legs this summer.
It seems that EVERY time her and I are alone she asks me more about the inevitable arrival of Aunt Flow. I'm expecting that first visit any day.
Makeup? She begs, but I'm not ready to schedule that catastrophe. Yet.
Like I said, we're off to the races. And I'm taking you with me.

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