Friday, September 16, 2005

Is Gunther In the House?

I wrote a little bit before about the guy at work that would remind you so much of Phoebe's gym-shorts-wearing boyfriend that Gunther had to tell "put the mouse back in the house".
I just don't get this guy. He wears these short shorts that are tight and often made with thin material. There's no dress code at work, so even though he's a team leader, no one minds that he wears these virtual Daisy-Dukes with a grungy T-shirt.
Tuesday morning we had a meeting with me (still the new girl), our boss and two team leaders. Score: Guys=3 Girls=1, just me.
In comes Mr. Skimpy Shorts in usual garb. He gets ready to take the seat next to me, but first has to do this exagerated "foot up on the desk to tie the shoe". Like he couldn't modestly tie his shoe from his seat?
I had mentioned recently that he likes to stand and talk to the person sitting next to me with his foot resting on the desk. It's almost like he's trying to put himself on display.
Seated next to me, he has both feet up on the boss' desk throughout our meeting. He did the whole tipping back in his chair thing that all second graders know not to do. No, he didn't fall, but he was sure asking for it.
This guys arrogance blows me away. How professional is it to prance around the office like you're at the gym with the guys?
In case you're wondering, he's not all that. He is tall and has a descent build, but not much beyond that. Honestly, I'm so repulsed by the way he dresses and carries himself to make a fair judgement.
I just wish Gunther was around to remind him to put his mouse back in the house.

1 comment:

Jaye said...

You can make a comment to your boss that his work attire is making you uncomfortable. I think any company would be scared of a sexual harassment law-suit, so they would gladly make a dress code.