Monday, January 04, 2010


If this baby is truly one of us, she'll arrive today.

On my side of the family, we are SO co-dependent that we are born on each other's birthdays and anniversaries - a couple of dates are even tripled up.

Even the in-laws who marry in follow suit: David and my aunt Jewels share a birthdate of December 12; Alonso shares March 5 with my dad and Grandma F.; Melissa's birthday, Abby's birthday and my anniversary all fall on April 14; and potential in-law, Heidi, shares November 29 with me - which is also my aunt and uncle's anniversary.

Just to name a few.

As today would have been Grampa's birthday, it's a very appropriate day for the baby to arrive.

But - let's face it, this is me: for me to give birth today, I would have had to gone in to labor yesterday.


Tiercy said...

Maybe she'll have the birthday that almost had been and you'll start today and have her tomorrow. Good luck with everything when the time comes!

harada57 said...
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