Friday, April 16, 2010

A Bit of a Vent

What would reunite Just Jess with the blogging world?

Details from our fun spring break?

Sharing the magical moments of Bailey's birth? (oh SO magical)


We're going to play "Let's Pretend".

Let's pretend Just Jess had a good week, and that it was quiet and uneventful, and that everything went as planned.

Nothing was broken. No one flaked. No decisions to be made.

The weird thing about this week is: it wasn't completely disastrous. There were some highs. But there was just enough *bleh* that the only food I can get down is chocolate, and I'm pretty sure that my eyebrows are in a permanent scowl.

Let's check in again tomorrow. I'm going eat a bunch of comfort food and shop away the blues.

Keep your fingers crossed that it works.


Tiercy said...

You're back! yeah! I hope this week ends well for you. love ya!

JP said...

I love the addition to your cast of characters pictures. ;-)

Jaye said...

ha, you wrote on your blog : )

harada57 said...
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