Monday, June 06, 2005

Don't You Mean Lactose Intolerant?

My Maddie (8) is a princess that loves to be down in the dirt. I would never take credit for how well-rounded she is, in fact, I envy her. I could never express my feelings of love, admiration, all the cheesy things a mom would say, but this girl is golden.
She has a great vocabulary, and is becoming a good speller and reader. But in this day and age, there are a lot more words and phrases for us to keep up with. Maddie mixes them up in the most wonderful way. We have labeled them Maddie-isms...
She rinses her mouth with flurox.
When I offered her young guest a glass of milk after a sleep-over, Maddie was surprised that her friend accepted it. She turned to her playmate and said "aren't you a paleontologist"?
Our puppy got in the car after a morning rain. When I complained about the smell of wet dog, Maddie mentioned that our black-lab puppy, Benny, smelled like her grandmother's chocolate lab, Fudge. I said, "well, sure they smell the same, they're both dogs". Maddie replied, "and the same religion".
She saw a car for sale, and wondered why anyone would want to buy it because the "roof been had chipped off". I then explained that it was a convertible.
Oh, how I wish I had written these down from the beginning. There are some that date back to when she was 3. Like the day she came home from pre-school, so excited about the birthday pupcakes a classmate's mom brought in.
As summer begins, and we'll be together so much more, I look forward to her unknown comedy.


JP said...

what about telling mom that she didn't want the SOIL MILK (instead of soy milk)

She's our own personal family Angelica from Rugrats...

Jaye said...

You forgot about when we go to the mall - Maddie always wants to go on the alligators. (The escalators.)