Thursday, June 22, 2006

When Excited Turns Anxiety

The new-ness and the excitement has faded. Okay, just the newness faded, the excitement is very much alive, but over shadowed with anxiety.
We are very much looking forward to moving home, but oh! so many decisions and so much to do.
Decision #1
Buy or Rent?
I'm 99% sure that we need to rent for a while. Yes, it will suck to pack up and move again, but our house hasn't sold and we'll need to some time to get back on our financial feet after yet another upheaval.
Decision #2
Where to Live
Various communities in the greater Sacramento are on the choosing table. We're leaning towards living as close as possible to David's store. But as I look at many, many pictures of rentals online, I'm noticing (in myself) that much of my decision relies on the kitchen in each home. What kind of coutertops? How dark are the cabinets? Am I going to have to put up with fluorescent lighting?
You would think that the schools would weigh heavier in my decision making.
Decision #3
My Job
I have been so fortunate to have found good people to work for and with here in Montana and also when I was back in Nevada. I hope that luck will follow when I find 'the perfect job' once we're settled in back home.
While these are just a few things that I am stewing over today, other decisions will be much easier to make, like after-school daycare. Easy! Jaye. Where do we go for Sunday dinner? Easy! My parents' house.
The other night I heard David mumble "I want to move, but I don't want to move". Ditto.
Then yesterday I could tell he was really looking to get a reaction out of me when he said "I don't want to move home anymore". He simply was in shock after seeing 116 degrees in the forecast.
The four of us are looking forward to being back in California. But in the weeks between now and then, I inevitably will become the ultimate basket case.
Consider yourself warned.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's OK. It's TOTALLY worth it. I CAN'T WAIT! WAHOO!
