Thursday, August 24, 2006

I'm Thinking "No"

I went for a job interview today.
I'm looking for part-time work that pays well and has flexible hours. Too much to ask for?
The job-du-jour was at a furniture store. A big plus - assuming that there would be a nice employee discount and considering that I am sofa-ly challenged in not just one but two rooms.
It was too far away, the hours were not as flexible as touted, and the hourly rate was what the local drive thru is hiring at.
It's so frustrating to be over-qualified and without a college degree. All the while trying to convince my anti-risk-taking husband that I am ready to start my own business.
I've applied for other jobs, we'll see what comes my way.
After the interview, David (my chauffer) and I walked around the mall. I felt guilty, like I should be home doing something productive (to counter my thus-far non-productive week). I did my best to shrug it off and enjoy time alone with my husband. We did squeeze in an Italian lunch that was only so-so. I could have done better in my own kitchen.
Back to the job search. Wish me luck.

1 comment:

Jaye said...

i hear strippers make BANK!