Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Back To School (Only If I Have To)

These two grown kids and I headed back to school today; Maddie in 5th grade, Isaac in 3rd and me in hell.

Last year (my first) was maybe a little too sugar-coated. I worked in special ed with a great teacher, whom I learned A LOT from, I fell in love my little special ed students, and the regular ed students that I got to work with were absolute angels.

This year I will be dividing my time between special ed, and having my own classroom as a math and English tutor.

So far, the math and English students that I teach are making special ed look easy.

What was I thinking? AND Is it possible to hate someone after spending just one class period with them?

Of course, when I go to special ed tomorrow it could be horrible too. Last year's teacher moved and the new one has never taught before. I may been in for it. Again.

Just in case my plate wasn't full enough today, Aunt Flo showed up between 2nd and 3rd period. Seven minutes might be enough to get you from Geometry to P.E., but it's not quite enough time to deal with unexpected feminine issues. Lucky me.

If it hadn't been for the heart-warming start of my school day, I wouldn't have survived. On my way to my classroom, I stopped by special ed. Elisabeth and her wonderful mom were there, and that sweet girl, who I missed all summer long, was happy to see me, and even noticed my hair cut. I'm happy to report that her and I get to be together all day tomorrow, and even if she has a bad day, she'll still be more pleasant than a handful of my regular ed students that I had today.

(I hope I didn't just jinx tomorrow)

Wait, before I'm done barfing out today's events, the school's computer system had my class-size-limit at 32. There's only 15 desks in my room. Three out of my four classes are at 20 students. We're shoulder to shoulder in there. I shudder to think of how full classes would have gotten if my wheel hadn't squeaked. The system has been corrected, but not until we're full. Stuffed. Maxed out.

Okay. The verbal vomitting is stopping. For now.


JP said...

bleh. No fun.

Tomorrow WILL be better.

Anonymous said...

maddie stop by my house after school I will take you to bed and teach you things they will never in school