Friday, September 07, 2007

Things Could Be Worse

The secret may or may not be out: I've been a little blue.
Things just aren't going my way...David and I didn't quite save enough to cover me not getting a paycheck for 3 months; my job(s) aren't as wonderful as I'd hoped; I've been dealing with what is apparently a chronic health problem; on top of that I've caught a cold; then there's always the death of my flat iron. I'm still in mourning. Not to mention the guilt of a broken promise to my mom that we'd be there to visit mid-August.
It's amazing how someone else, even a stranger can put things in perspective. "Oh, maybe things aren't quite so bad." Perspective.
Like the missing BYU student, the horrendous trapped miner saga, etc.
Yesterday I made my way to the pharmacy for another round of antibiotics and as I walked in, a couple walked in just a few steps ahead of me.
The man had either been involved in a horrific accident, or someone had taken a baseball bat to his body. One arm was in a sling, a blue bandage wrapped around his entire head covering his ears, both eyes were bloody (you know, the whites) and were swollen nearly shut, his mouth was wired shut so I'm not sure how many teeth he was missing, and his bandaged nose was obviously broken, the racooon circles under both eyes were a direct indication.
He was a spectacle. At different intervals all of the pharmacy staff stared, but tried not to.
This man had been through a lot.
Seeing this man, who tried to act normal and functional, put things in perspective for me.
And reminded me that things could always be worse.
And maybe it's not so bad.


Anonymous said...

OK--the time has come. We need to talk. Be ready for a phone call. Love You!


JP said... least you're not getting fired from Disney for nekked pictures of yourself floating around on the internet. :)