Friday, September 21, 2007

What's On Tonight?

For the first time (literally) in my life, I am not dancing in anticipation of the new fall TV season.
I'm such a TV junky. I (usually) love it.
But now, well. Not so much.
When I was young, the new season didn't just mean change and growth for my favorite TV characters, but also the fascination with 'what's their new opening theme going to be?'.
As years went on, it was the resolution to the now-common season ending cliff hanger. Especially once F*R*I*E*N*D*S rolled around. Ross and Rachel? Monica and Chandler? Joey and Rachel? Is Rachel really pregnant? These questions literally hung in a cloud over my head all summer.
Last fall I was pretty anxious to find out if life would go on for Izzy after the death of everyone's beloved Denny.
But this year? I dunno.
I am looking forward to Grey's starting, but I'm annoyed with the Meredith's-sister plot. And it appears that they're going to continue taunting us with the Izzy-George-Callie triangle, and are throwing in a possible pregnancy. Ugh.
I guess I'm kind of in to the Grey's spinoff with Dr. Shephard.
Many, my husband included, are SO excited for Heroes and House and probably even 24 to start. Blah.
I've completely lost interest in ER, though the addition of John Stamos should have brought me back. Should have.
It appears that Studio 60 isn't coming back, which does break my heart. THAT was good stuff.
My boycott of Gilmore Girls last year because of Luke and Lorelai's breakup was obviously in vain. I wish IT was coming back, that could definetly fill a void in my TV heart.
It's too late for me to start watching The Office. Too much catching up.
I annoy myself with my (closet) like for 2 1/2 Men. It's a bit much, and really? Charlie Sheen? But it is funny. And who can go wrong with John "Duckie" Cryer?
I am grateful to my Scrubs. Their childish humor does warm my heart. (No) thanks to David for deleting my Scrubs the Musical.
David announced to me last night that him and Maddie, after years of my snubbing, are in to Survivor China. Barf.
If I'm not careful, I might find myself sitting around watching (gasp!) Deal or No Deal. I do love the Howie.


JP said...

I can never be faithful to any show. My (damanding/idiotic/crazy) schedule does not allow me to remember when shows that I like are on. IF I happen to find a show that I like.

I loved Grey's...they changed the time slot. Ugh.

I love Scrubs. Bring back the sitcom, TV people!! How I Met Your Mother is fun, by the by...when I can actually catch it on tv. Still not sure what night it's actually on.

Jaye said...

WE ARE SOOOOO SAD THAT STUDIO 60 is not coming back!!! NBC is retarded.

Gilmore Girls - I will miss them.

BUT Yeah, um, TV is kinda lame right now. I not too excited about one particular show. My life was a little crazy so I didn't see the finally of a lot of shows, but here are MY honorable mentions:
Heroes, Scrubs, The Office, 24, Lost, House, & I kinda liked the, um, is it Patricia Heton, and Kelsey Gramer show. I know I didn't spell that correctly, but whatever.

Tifferbob said...

Okay, I know the whole e-mail went around about not watching it and how it portrayed Mormons in a bad light, but I can’t get enough of “Big Love” on HBO. Go ahead and call me a bad Mormon, but it’s good. Dang Good. Scott and I had to catch-up by renting the 1st and 2nd seasons.

And of course, looking forward to Grey's.