Thursday, February 07, 2008

So Random

Sheesh! I haven't been over here in forever. Okay, it's been less than 2 weeks, but it feels longer.
The snow just won't stop. It's snowing right now. It's going to snow all day and in to the night. We are forecasted to have sunshine the next several days and get up over 40 degrees, but I'm not holding my breath.
I think I'm edgy again. Too much going on maybe? Or rather too much to think about. School... Church...President Hinckley's passing and the change of First Presidency...School again...The kids... Should we buy a house yet? How long are the prices going to be low? Are they going to get lower? School...My thoughts are (obviously) all over the place... Much of you back home are sick. I'd love to bring you some chicken & dumplings soup. And juice. More random thoughts...parent teacher conference for Maddie and Isaac today. Parent teacher conference for myself is less than two weeks away...David...School...Kids...The bruises are starting to show from when I slipped on the ice and fell Monday night...I'd like some new clothes...Am I going to catch the cold that's going around?
I swear I have adult on-set ADD.
These issues are constatly swirling around in my head.
I need some movement. No, not in my bowels. Movement, movement. Exercise. I'm sure that's the cure (either that or chocolate). I need to get outside; soak up some sun. Suddenly I'm turning in to a Cheryl Crow song. First the mono, now the weather. I'm never going to be able to be active again.
Uh. The bell rang. Until next time...

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