Saturday, February 28, 2009

Just Watch

Ummmmmmmm... I can't even... Some people - ewww.

Maybe You Can Help Me Out With This




Why did I wake up with this song stuck in my head?

Friday, February 27, 2009

Someone Else Will Get the Bargain



I'm pretty fussy about NOT paying full price.

But last Thursday I splurged.

Ugh again!

What was $19.95 just 8 days ago - is NOW only$10 online!

I'll just really try to remember that on that same shopping trip I was able to use a 30% off coupon on a different item.

More sighing!

Fridays With Ernie 2

Dedicated to David

Welcome Home, Soldier

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Almost Friends

I've been hating on this guy for quite a while.

What does he have to offer my friend, Jenn?

But I'm warming up to him.

She let him tag along to the Oscars Sunday night. Maybe she needed a little moral support. Nope. That big showdown with the X and his baby-momma was just built up by the media.

Just another day for Jenn.

Maybe John and I might be able to begin on a path to friendship after all. You know a little humor at one's own expense goes a long way with me...

Monday, February 23, 2009

Is it Just me?

Today I tried to splurge.

But I couldn't.

I could not bring myself to spending $15 (after my discount) on this.

So instead, I spent $3 and stuck with this.

Am I the only one still using store brands?

Oscar is No Grouch

Did you watch last night?

I did. And I was pleasantly surprised.

(until the end when I wanted to throw a tomato at the 'leading actor')

Other than that - Fabulous.

My favorite?

She is breath taking, wore a gorgeous gown (though Maddie thought it looked mummy-ish), and her necklace - I loved it!

She is the one and only reason I might get around to seeing her movie.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Heart Warmers

I think Megan and I are on the same page: Sappy but Sweet.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Stage Mom

Am I being weird?

The answer to that question is always "yes".

Isaac is beginning the beautiful Rite of Passage in life called: braces.

On this path his next step is to get the appliances put in. It's quite the ordeal, and he will have to re-learn eating, swallowing and talking. It's pretty miserable.

It makes such a mess of their speaking abilities that when Maddie was adjusting to having her appliance a couple of years ago, I think my brother's words were "take her back and get that $#!& out of her mouth".

We've applied to get Isaac into an accelerated program in the school district, and he has an interview for it next Saturday.

Can you imagine him sitting down with these people just a few days after getting the appliances? After hearing him 'talk' and seeing me wiping drool from his face, they might wonder about our intentions.

So I postponed the appliance installation appointment.

Please tell me you would have done the same.

PS It is so NOT a big deal if he does or doesn't get in to this program.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Please Just Draw Me a Picture

I almost blew it.


Isaac kept coming home from Scouts telling me that he's almost done; that he's almost earned his Bear.

And I kept arguing - no, we've got a long way to go.

Finally his wonderful Den leader helped me to see the light.

I'm so dumb!

You don't have to earn all 24 achievements - just 12.

I get so caught up trying to manage everything and everyone that I don't stop and read the fine print.

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

You Have the Right to Remain...Silent

This is my kind of girl.

Monday, February 16, 2009

"I'm Sorry You Couldn't Make It Here Tonight"

What do you make of all of this?

Is he for real?

Is he going to follow in brother's footsteps?

What is this? A stunt? A movie promotion?

Saturday, February 14, 2009

I Would Name It: Fred

Or George.

There's a little girl inside of me that really wants to do this. Heck - let's get 2.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

What Would You Do If...?

Seriously - I need your input.

Timing is everything. The kids and I just happened to go out to the driveway as some neighborhood kids were helping themselves to our basketball hoop. It's been on it's side during the winter, but they had it up-right and were trying to roll it to their house.

They gave me some lame line about "our mom said her friend said we could have it".

There is the slight possibility that their story is true.

I'll try to give them the benefit of the doubt.

I had them roll it back to it's resting spot, but I highly doubt that they set it down gently and am now concerned that it's broken.

If this was your basketball hoop, which was pretty expensive, would you approach the mom?

What if it's broken? Would you approach the mom?

The mom isn't one of my 'girlfriends', but she is someone that I see very regularly.

I guess I could say "by the way, did your boys ever find the right basketball hoop?" and leave it open to the possibility that their story was legitimate.

Or should I say anything at all?

I hate it when other people put me in this kind of situation.

You know the kind:

Confrontation vs. I'm a Pansy.

Friday, February 06, 2009


It's been a while since we've had a good Maddie-ism around here. But tonight I bring you a two-fer.

1.) Maddie and I were laying in my bed tonight watching Cops. A 'bad guy' was being pursued by an officer, who was giving the particulars of the suspect's car, location, and direction he was traveling over the radio.

"Don't we have a Southbound here in Utah?"

2.) Maddie was telling me about an episode of The Brady Bunch, and she couldn't think of Alice's name.

"What's the name of their governess?"

Fridays With Ernie

Don't confuse it with Tuesday's with on old guy.

Catty Moment

Botox much?

Happy Friday!

I was so excited this morning when I watched last night's episode of The Tonight Show. Jay interviewed Jenny!
For me that's like eating brownies at the ocean!

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

No Thanks

I did something childish today.

I hope Karma wasn't looking.

Background: Just about 2 years ago, Jehn and I got our eyebrows done. The Girl did a horrible job. Jehn and I both looked like we'd been in a fight, with big scabs above our eyes because The Girl went over the same spots with wax (and of course, ripped it off) multiple time. It was ugly.

So today I went back to the same establishment because there are other girls there who do a great job on eyebrows. But I wouldn't go so far as to call the aestheticians. I put my name on the list and waited.

The Girl came to the front to get me. Instead of politely lying my way out of it, I turned around and walked out.


Rude! I know!

But I don't feel bad.

I drove to another salon and came out scab-free.

But my car did bottom out in their driveway.

Is that my Karma?

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

The Shopper's Winnebago

There is something I don't understand.

Maybe it's because I'm lazy. Maybe it's because I have a bum-shoulder. You tell me...

Why do people at the grocery store choose to carry their heavy wares in those little baskets with handles? What's wrong with just pushing a basket?

Is it the mini van of the shopping world?

Monday, February 02, 2009


I love that as parents we can influence our children and their music/movie preference. Of course, they may come to hate what we love, but so far so good.

This morning Isaac sang some old favorites with me...

Then later on both Isaac and Maddie watched (for the nth time) one of David's old favorites.