Friday, February 06, 2009


It's been a while since we've had a good Maddie-ism around here. But tonight I bring you a two-fer.

1.) Maddie and I were laying in my bed tonight watching Cops. A 'bad guy' was being pursued by an officer, who was giving the particulars of the suspect's car, location, and direction he was traveling over the radio.

"Don't we have a Southbound here in Utah?"

2.) Maddie was telling me about an episode of The Brady Bunch, and she couldn't think of Alice's name.

"What's the name of their governess?"


Tifferbob said...

Oh, that made me laugh!

Tiercy said...

so cute. these made me laugh too. A governess is better than your own children calling you Alice. My kids did that. Ouch!