Thursday, February 19, 2009

Stage Mom

Am I being weird?

The answer to that question is always "yes".

Isaac is beginning the beautiful Rite of Passage in life called: braces.

On this path his next step is to get the appliances put in. It's quite the ordeal, and he will have to re-learn eating, swallowing and talking. It's pretty miserable.

It makes such a mess of their speaking abilities that when Maddie was adjusting to having her appliance a couple of years ago, I think my brother's words were "take her back and get that $#!& out of her mouth".

We've applied to get Isaac into an accelerated program in the school district, and he has an interview for it next Saturday.

Can you imagine him sitting down with these people just a few days after getting the appliances? After hearing him 'talk' and seeing me wiping drool from his face, they might wonder about our intentions.

So I postponed the appliance installation appointment.

Please tell me you would have done the same.

PS It is so NOT a big deal if he does or doesn't get in to this program.

1 comment:

JP said...

I would have totally done the same thing. (Does that make you feel better? Beacause it is TOTALLY THE TRUTH.)