Wednesday, February 11, 2009

What Would You Do If...?

Seriously - I need your input.

Timing is everything. The kids and I just happened to go out to the driveway as some neighborhood kids were helping themselves to our basketball hoop. It's been on it's side during the winter, but they had it up-right and were trying to roll it to their house.

They gave me some lame line about "our mom said her friend said we could have it".

There is the slight possibility that their story is true.

I'll try to give them the benefit of the doubt.

I had them roll it back to it's resting spot, but I highly doubt that they set it down gently and am now concerned that it's broken.

If this was your basketball hoop, which was pretty expensive, would you approach the mom?

What if it's broken? Would you approach the mom?

The mom isn't one of my 'girlfriends', but she is someone that I see very regularly.

I guess I could say "by the way, did your boys ever find the right basketball hoop?" and leave it open to the possibility that their story was legitimate.

Or should I say anything at all?

I hate it when other people put me in this kind of situation.

You know the kind:

Confrontation vs. I'm a Pansy.


Melissa K said...

embrace the american culture and just sue.

The Santini Stew said...


malibustacy said...

Hmmm tough one. I'd go see if it was broken first... How old are the boys? Old enough that you could talk to them instead of the mom? If it isn't broken, I'd just let it go. If it was... I'd make Kai go talk to the boys... haha I'm a pansy too I guess. =) I'd have him work out a deal with them to do yard work or something to pay for it. Kinda depends on their age. Sorry I'm not more helpful. =)

The Coolest Allen Family said...

I would hide in the basement and just be mad. A fact about myself that I am not proud of. Brett said he would talk to the mom. I do agree with malibustacy....see if it is broken first and then go from there.

Jaye said...

You should have put THE FEAR into them as soon as you saw them.
Even if you know the mom - they know they were doing something wrong, so you know they wouldn't go cry to mommy about the 'mean crazy lady' down the street. be a hard ass sister!

Tiercy said...

What an awful place to be in!! I hope it works out for you!