Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Major Rambling

I just made a half batch of chocolate chip cookies. I am far more accustomed to doubling it.
Why just the half?
Because I don't want so much temptation lying around the house, and I can't yet give away potential extra cookies because I have the plague.
The ward now knows I have the plague.
I had my third b-12 shot tonight, along with more blood tests yesterday, so I'm feeling like a walking pin cushion. Props to the lab tech yesterday. She was awesome. Best yet.
A shout out to JP tonight. Does running a marathon really necessitate the use of a shoulder? I suppose so. Hugs and kisses. Nope! I have the plague. Just hugs.
My kids are huge. Just that. Huge.
Last night was the first time in a couple of months that I actually did something that pertained to one of my callings. Maybe I can kick it in to gear tomorrow night too.
Consider yourself lucky. You are only dealing with my air headed ramblings in print. Feel sorry for all the poor souls dealing with me face to face.
The elevator really doesn't go all the way up to the top floor.
But did it ever?

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