Monday, October 29, 2007

Will I Ever Be the Same?

* Warning: extreme whining to follow.
I'm tired of being tired. Sick of being sick.
And really, I'm fine. But...ugh.
In the weeks of unknown, waiting for a diagnosis for the abdominal pain, I visited several medical websites. In one case it wasn't a good idea, I was almost convinced that I had kidney cancer. Other than that it was helpful.
I've decided that I like Mayo Clinic's website best, but how pathetic am I to have even stopped by for an online visit?
Frustrated with the never-ending mono, I wandered back over again today. Some things that I read about mono are so right-on with what I'm going through, and some things that I read were of no comfort.
Mononucleosis usually isn't very serious, although the virus remains in your body for life.
Among significant complications of mononucleosis is enlargement of the spleen. In extreme cases, your spleen may rupture, causing sharp, sudden pain in the left side of your upper abdomen. If such pain occurs, seek medical attention immediately — you may need surgery.
The Epstein-Barr virus may persist in your saliva for months after the infection. So we can never share a drink. Ever.
Most signs and symptoms of mononucleosis ease within a few weeks, but it may be two to three months before you feel completely normal. The nurse told me six months because I'm anemic.
Returning to your usual schedule too soon can increase the risk of a relapse. I found out the hard way. I thought I was getting over it. Nope! Had the good-health carpet ripped out from under me on Wednesday.
Coping Skills - Mononucleosis can be a prolonged condition, keeping you at home for weeks as you recover. But be patient with your body as it fights the infection. I'm out of patience.
I took today off of work to rest. And now I want to take another day off to rest.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's been a long time--I miss you. We need to talk. BTW--I had mono in high school (got it from Jaimee). It's no fun.
