Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Age of Duh

You remember that when Jaye would get together with her buddy Shannon when they were kids, my mom would say that together they shared a brain.

They didn't always make the best of choices.

Is Maddie at that tween age? The age of chronic 'duh'?

She's not off to a great start.

We've got two of our favorite sleep over pals here tonight, Kawika and Tiarra (Jimmy and Sarah's) and Maddie and Tiarra have been pretty bored.

They (or probably Maddie) decided that they need to wash the cars. I tried to not have an OCD moment, and just let them do their thing.


I asked her several times when they came in for dinner if she was sure that they rinsed off all of the soap. Yes.

Then, when cleaning the kitchen after dinner, I asked for my dish soap.

Maddie informed me that it was all gone.

It was 3/4 full upon it's kitchen departure.

It turns out that my little genius decided that the bucket of soapy water wasn't getting the cars clean enough, and that she needed to apply the soap directly to the cars.

When I went out to the cars, the ones that she assured me were properly rinsed, there was a puddle of dish soap on the hood of my car.


I rinsed my car pretty well, but took David's through the car wash at the corner gas station.

This is the cause of my (self-diagnosed) OCD. Other people's messes.


Jaye said...

hey! We never burnt the house DOWN...just burnt the house a lil' bit. I miss my 1/2 brain.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jess, hope you check this. I saw your blog off of Jills and had to laugh at the maddie story sounds alot like my Mikayla. sorry I didn't get to see you to much in Ca. go check out my new blog at

Tifferbob said...

Is it possible that I'm still going through the "age of duh?" I melted my barbie's legs when I was her age because I set them around a small bomb-fire of matches. Smart huh?