Saturday, August 23, 2008

It's A Boy

I just got home from a baby shower.

But let me back up and tell you that I've been experiencing a huge allergy attack (see if I ever pull weeds again) and that disgusting green stuff is oozing from my eye. Maddie says I look like Frodo.

Yes, I took the oozing eye to the baby shower. It wasn't up to being left at home.

I didn't know the expecting mom nor her sister who was throwing it. But A'Donna wanted me to come and meet them.

They were great family. Hispanic, so there was a lot of translating. Someone brought their non-English speaking mom named Judith.

Stop the presses! Hispanic? A mom named Judith?


California is all around me.

PS I totally loved the family. Makes me really regret my lame gift.

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