Thursday, August 21, 2008

A Question for the Universe

Or the Allergy Gods. I'd take an answer from either.

Why oh why must my face fill with snot and my eyes run like faucets everyday at 2pm, lasting until the next morning?

It's never happened before, and I would rather it didn't.

I was able to lounge on my wonderful sofa before, but now, I have places to go and people to teach. Allergies don't fit in.

So please, Mr. Universe and Allergy God, allow me to breath on my own without running for a tissue mid-post.

PS With all that I've spent on make up, it's not very efficient to turn around and cry it off. I'm just saying.

1 comment:

Tifferbob said...

I'm no Mother Earth but have you tried a neti pot? Scott uses one when he gets sinus congestion, he too battles the allergies.

Anyway, Google it, it's amazing. I used it after getting a sinus infection and afterwards felt human again.