Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Call Me Co-Dependent

First of all: any petty issue I have to fuss about is even more lame & pathetic considering the horrible events this week. And yet I continue to fuss.
I'm home alone. Due to a severe Sierra storm, I am home alone. Some would cherish this rare occurrence. Take advantage by going for a swim in the jetted bath tub, paint some winterized toenails, sip some exotic beverage, or some really un-imaginative person might even catch up on house work.
I'm not into it. I really enjoy my kids. They are amazing. They are entertaining. I don't need to unload them on the nearest relative so I can run off to the Caribbean for even the shortest vacation. In all honesty: they make any and all trips more fun.
I did get some scrapbooking in: how daring and exciting am I? Still not done with the Thanksgiving pictures, though (that's 2004 folks).
I am really excited to have the rest of the family home. I will think about it ALL NIGHT LONG while I LISTEN TO THE WIND. Lucky me.


JP said...

First of all...are you NUTS?! Home alone....(sigh) one an only hope.

Second of all...I'm not sure if you should be scared or honored that Aidan posts comments to your blog more than anyone else's besides Sarah's. Make sure to call him Dude. He LOVES being called Dude. ;D

Anonymous said...

Posy, I agree with is more interesting w/your kids around. They cast a fresh light on things you've experienced many times before. Aidan, maybe you should have one! Tifferbob