Tuesday, February 22, 2005

College Bound

A very special pat-on-the-back going out today to my youngest brother, Jamesson.
After recently taking the PSATs, our 16-year-old sophomore has received 9 letters from colleges around the west: Whitman & University of Denver are just a couple names I heard tossed around this weekend when I was visiting.
He's a good boy. Very involved in boyscouts. He calls himself a 'bandgeek'. He does play several different musical instruments.
He's the typical youngest child, but with four nieces and two nephews, he has taken on the role of uncle well. After all, he was only 8 when Maddie came along.
I'm proud and excited to see where this academic road takes him.
Jamesson has his heart set on attending Berkeley, but my question is: when your father is Republican, is that an automatic rejection letter?


JP said...

For sho!

Either that or they make you wear a scarlett letter: R

Anonymous said...

He's a great kid. Berkley wouldn't know what hit 'em. Maybe I'm missing something, but I only count 3 nieces, not 4. Have I blocked something out? Is there something you're not telling me? Or is there a deep dark secret to your family......


Jess said...

Oops! I got ahead of myself (or rather one of my siblings)...
3 nieces!