Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Not a Convention in This Town

Sometimes it's the little things that I get a kick out of. This time it's a really, really little thing, but it really cracked me up.
Part of my responsibility at work is to make hotel reservations for our guys out in the field. Often it's a small town that I've never been to, and if there's not a brand-name hotel in town, it's a leap of faith, and I just hope that our guys won't be sharing their bed with insects or rodents. One day, I actually had the reservation clerk screaming at her dog to quit barking during our phone conversation.
But I really had a good time with the reservations I made on Monday. "Ken" was heading to southern California, I mean way down there to an Indian reservation not far from the Mexican border. He called in around 1pm to let me know where he would like to stay. I set out on my task, and called the Holiday Inn Express only to find out that they had 'just given out their last room'. Likely story. The second hotel (with another easy-to-recognize name) let me know they were booked until March. What the heck? Who wants to stay in this little po-dunk town south east of Palm Springs? So on the third attempt, when the girl told me her hotel was also booked I figured there must be a convention in town. I'm not sure why, but the real reason all of the hotels in town were booked up really gave me a chuckle: she told me they were filming a movie in town.
So now I need to get over myself and call back to find out which movie and what celebrities are filling up this town. Until then, in my imagination, it's Jenn but not Brad. I can't come up with a male lead worthy of being her co-star.


Jess said...

I almost chose George. He's almost worthy of Jenn. Speaking of hot men: did anyone see LL Cool J on American Idol. I've been drooling over him for years, but oh my gosh! But, he needs to use his real name: Todd.

JP said...

Are you serious??? His real name is Todd???

Hm. Interesting.

That was the name of one of my Cabbage Patch Kids...

Jess said...

I know which Todd you are referring to!