Tuesday, February 01, 2005

I Need a Nap

I didn't get enough sleep last night. I went to bed at a reasonable time - 10(ish). But with all that's going on, my overloaded-brain kept waking me up, either in panic over all that I have to do in the next six weeks, or in panic over a nightmare.
Through my off and on slumber I would try to calm myself down. I'll fill you in on one of my tricks. THIS IS THE HONEST TRUTH: instead of counting sheep when I'm struggling to get back to sleep, I count the kids in big Mormon families. A substantial benefit of being Mormon. So last night I counted the members of the Heaps family. Sometimes it's Jensen's, sometimes it's Limary's. But last night I counted Heaps, and since I was having a really hard time calming down, I included spouses and children. No, they don't hop fences in the fashion of sheep.
Yesterday I was able to be excited and have a positive outlook on this trial called moving. But without enough sleep, emotions are closer to the surface, and it's harder to put on a brave face.
Sometime ago, a dear friend suggested sleeping pills. My panic and lack of sleep are only going to increase as I get closer to move-day. Should I risk addiction so that the next 6 weeks can be more functional, or should I just 'make-do'?


Anonymous said...

I never thought of counting kids in big mormon families...mine included! Brilliant! Maybe that's why I slept better last night, I was tired from jumping around in your head! I know things are hard now, but I have NO DOUBT that it will all be worth it. You know how much people love you and support you. I have had sleeping problems my ENTIRE life, and a little Tylenol PM works wonders! (only once in a while, when it is REALLY needed) I can't wait to talk to you!


JP said...

I need to get me some Tylenol PM. That's a MUST.

This IS an adventure. It really is. Maybe it can be a game for you and the kids. Make it like a scavenger hunt...or something.

I'm having a hard time making it "real" for all of us. We've never been so far apart...BUT I KNOW IT'S FOR A REASON and I love ya.

It's all good...

Alice said...

Counting Mormon families? Funny, I think I am going to count the Wolf's tonight... I just hope I can remember all of their names.

I have had sleeping problems for the last few years, reading in the middle of the night is not the answer... I end up finishing books and sleeping through work. But you might consider Melotonin (sp?). It is all natural, the only side effects I have experienced are very vivid dreams, which I rather enjoy.

Change is scary, but often good. And guess what, your blog isn't going anywhere =).