Saturday, August 20, 2005

Bunny's Big Day Out

Continuing on with my chronic boredom, I took a look at a few other blogs floating around in our online world. Boy do I feel so normal and down to earth.
This morning, the kids and I ventured out to our town's Farmer's Market. As previously mentioned, I am not impressed with this new town of ours in Montana, there's not a whole lot to do. But today I was pleasantly surprised, the Farmer's Market was great. 10(ish) city blocks 'downtown' were closed, making a huge square for people to walk around with their families and even dogs. There were plenty of vendors offering lots of vegetables, cotton candy, homemade pies, flower bouquets, loaves of bread, fabulous dinky donuts, there was even a butcher on hand.
There were lots of people there, with beautiful weather after a few days of chilliness and rain, the crowd was out to soak up more summer. Walking through all the foot traffic was shoulder to shoulder, thank goodness I didn't become separated from my kids.
We parked about 6 blocks away, and just as we arrived to the Farmer's Market, a train approached, the tracks were just a couple of blocks away. The kids and I took position to watch the large, loud train cross through downtown. We weren't the only spectators exctied to see the choo-choo. A normal-looking woman quickly maneuvered her stroller to the corner we were standing on so her and her rabbit could get a good look at the train. The bunny was black and perched at the top off the stroller, and down below were recently purchased vegetables. THEN the normal-looking woman leaned over, said something to the bunny, and pointed to the train, as if telling him to look at the big, noisy locomotive. I just have one question: what's up, doc?

1 comment:

Jaye said...

I am liking this state more and more. Everyone loves the crazy lady that talks to her bunny!