Sunday, August 28, 2005

Bits and Pieces

-The kids got off to a great start at school this week. We are all very excited about 1st and 3rd grade.

-David took a fall last night. He went to check on Benny the Big Black Lab Puppy around midnight and missed a step on the deck stairs. He landed pretty hard on his shoulder. Poor guy hasn't been out of bed all day.

-This afternoon we couldn't figure out what Benny was barking at. Turned out she had a visitor in our back yard...

This week seemed especially full of antelope. We seem them grazing in the fields throughout the day, but something is bringing them up to our houses lately. On Friday, a whole bunch of them must have gotten spooked because they charged down the side of the house next door and in to the street behind us. Kids riding bikes to school had to slam on their brakes to avoid the startled creatures.

-I thought I was handling my absence from THE wedding of the year pretty well, but come Saturday, missing out on Sarah's wedding hit me kinda hard. Thanks to Mrs. M. I've seen pictures and the bride was absolutely stunning. Much congratulations!

-Soccer starts tomorrow for our family. I'm so excited for them and for me. Even though I have no experience and played only one year as a kid, I'll be the assistant coach to Isaac's team. I just wish we had family nearby to come and watch us.

-The weather is unbelievably unpredictable around here. Today and tomorrow: sunny and 90's. Tuesday: rainy and 70s. We had even bigger variations in the temperatures last week.

-Between me, you, and the fence post: Isaac has a sweetheart. After school they go home with friends from church who have kids the same age as Maddie and Isaac. Love is in the air. His girlfriend's name? Maddy.


Anonymous said...

Miss you guys!


Jaye said...

I didn't know David got hurt! Poor kid. Is it keeping him home from work?