Tuesday, November 06, 2007

A Little More Whining

I'm crossing my fingers and knocking on wood, but there are a few signs that I am getting better.
1.) While I kept up with cooking dinner (and clean up afterward) all along, I dropped the ball when it came to the area of vegetables. Okay, we went through a lot of canned green beans. But tonight, we are fresh. A green salad is waiting for us.
2.) Sunday morning, with help from day light saving, I made bread, scrubbed the kitchen and then got ready for church, though my hair looked awful. For the last several Sundays I've been in bed until the last possible minute.
3.) Did you ever lose a taste for something you love, like when you were pregnant? With both of my pregnancies I lost a taste for Taco Bell (hard to believe), but immediately regained my obsession as soon as those babies were on the outside of my body. With this mono business, I've lost a taste for (gasp) peanut butter, something I love and heavily depend on for protein. But yesterday after school, again a small sign that I'm getting better, I made myself the yummiest peanut butter and jelly sandwich ever.
There are other signs of good health, like staying awake. And the nausea hasn't been quite so bad. Even as recent as Sunday I was convinced that I would never be healthy again. My attitude has definetly been glass half empty, hopefully just a passing symptom.
But I hold on to hope of the glass filling up again.

1 comment:

Tifferbob said...

I'm glad you've turned a corner. The only thing worse than feeling sick is feeling like you might never get better.