Saturday, June 21, 2008

French Twist

The older I get, the bigger baby I become.

Which really sucks when you start out wimpy like me.

I was playing Pickle with Isaac and his buddy last night, and took a baseball to the forehead at close range.

I maintained my cool. I didn't want to upset the kids, especially because it was the buddy who threw it. I just calmly let them know that I needed to go in the house for a break.

But on the inside I was freaking out. It hit me so hard that it rattled my teeth and instantly goose-egged. Who gets a goose egg in their 30s?

I fixed myself an ice pack, but tried to hide it from the boys. My friend Cristel, a sister that I visit teach, happened to be walking her new puppy on my street. I asked her to check out my forehead and in her thick, French accent she said "get an ice cube and push that thing back in".

1 comment:

Jaye said...

Have you ever seen Fever Pitch with Drew Barrymore. Now she gets a GOOSEEGG!