Monday, June 30, 2008

To Read Or Not To Read

That is my question.

Do you read parenting books?

(and by asking that I'm not implying anything)

Should I be reading them?

I like to be old school, and learn from my parents. And the parents of others. There's plenty of To Do and Not To Do in the examples around us.

I am fortunate enough to have parents who gave me plenty 'to do' rather than 'not'.

Several months ago I studied 7 Habits - Teenager (only about 1/2 of the book, does that mean that my kids are only going to be half effective?). I really liked it and might even go so far as to recommend it.

I refused to read What to Expect when I was pregnant, not sure why. To trendy, maybe?

One of the reasons I haven't read any other parenting books is because 'who do you believe?'. And do these authors even have kids?

So much of parenting is just good ol' common sense. Or is it?

What do you think? Do you consult Dr. Spock? Or do you wing it?

PS Speaking of parenting and common sense...Maddie is watching Zoey 101, starring new-mom Jamie Lynn Spears. I wonder if her and her sister were reared on parenting books.

I just hope they don't start writing them.


Jaye said...

Good topic! I DID read What to expecting/when expecting... BUT I am SO against parenting books. I don't know why. maybe because i feel like our parents did it right, too. I like to just ask around and see what works for other parents who have gone through things such as terrible 3's!

Tifferbob said...

I've read the "What to Expect When Your Expecting, What to Expect the First Year and What to Expect the Toddler Years. I now reference the Suppernanny book at times but honestly, in the heat of the moment I don't remember to apply what I've read.

When in true need of advice, I call a sister or my mom.