Saturday, January 31, 2009

And Somehow I'm Not Starving

Disclaimer: Extreme ranting is to follow.

I'm so sick of not being able to eat what I want.

I miss the days of endless Western Bacon Cheeseburgers and Taco Bell Marathons.

Now I have to stop and think about how every bite I take is going to effect me later. Or tomorrow.

Do I dare list the foods that I've had to cut out over the last decade?

And how would I break that list down? Alphabetically? Chronologically? In order of importance to my taste buds? Or should I categorize by the effects each food has on my aging body?

I am eating better than ever, but still weigh 40 pounds more than when I would scarf down 1 crunchy taco, 2 soft taco supremes and 2 burritos. For lunch.

I miss Dr. Pepper. I miss all the sodas. (or should I say pops because I live in Utah now?)

I miss mayonnaise.

I miss milk shakes.

Last night I drank water while my friends slurped down strawberry daiquiris because I didn't want to have shakes from all the sugar.

Do you know that I'm now off popcorn? (you do NOT want to know what popcorn does to me)

I miss spinach dip and sour dough bread.

Oh my gosh I miss brownies.

I'm not even going to mention dairy.

I'm even off of healthy stuff - granola! Do you remember how I was making granola every week about this time 2 years ago?

Are you ready for the latest?! I'm trying to go off chocolate! Because even the smallest bite has me wide awake from midnight to 3:30am. How is a GIRL over 30 supposed to go off chocolate?!

I miss Tummy's sub-sandwiches. Remember how I used to put those away?

You'd think that this post would have come last week when I was PMSing. It's been brewing in the back of my mind ever since.

Oh! and doughnuts! I wish I could have a doughnut - say twice a year.

I wonder if the SuperBowl has had something to do with this pity party. Because really, what kind of 'SuperBowl' food can I eat? Maybe it's time for me to invent the 'SuperBowl Salad' or the 'Superbowl Smoothie'.

Berries! I've had to go off berries. The seeds!

By the way: I'm still 34. Not 84 as my diet would suggest.


Tifferbob said...

Jess, I don't know how you do it. I don't have that much self-discipline.

JP said...

Yeah...I've been known to deal with the stomach aches after eating food I'm not "supposed" to. Because my list is not fun either.

I'm really (REALLY) sorry about the popcorn.

Tiercy said...
