Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Getaway

Who needs France when you have the Napa-Sonoma Valleys?

Let me paint you a picture...

Bright green hills filled with immaculate rows of grape vines up and down the hillsides as far as the eye can see. Though the winter has left the vines bare from leaves, the grass beneath keeps it all lush and beautiful. Wineries and quaint houses dot the scenery.

Did I mention it's a balmy 60 degrees?

David and I zip along the two-lane curved highway; alone in his convertible, snacking on Harry and David chocolates.

Alone. Did you get that? I said "alone".

It was magic.

Okay, so we were in his Camry, not a convertible. But the rest is true.

And my stomach was jacked up afterward from scarfing down so many chocolate truffles.

It was still magic, though.


Tiercy said...

I love it! It seems, because they are so rare, that any moment snatched alone with your man is magic.

Jaye said...

I know you have cool ocean pictures - you should post them.