Monday, March 23, 2009

The Obsession

Currently, there is not a whole lot that annoys me more than this craze.

I refuse to get on board.

Friday night David and I made an unplanned late-night shopping trip.

And in his usual fashion, David wanted to avoid people, so we drove to a brand-new store that's about 15 miles from here, maybe further.

Some genius decided to build this fancy-shmancy new store across the street from a high school.

A high school!

1.) It's late on a Friday night

2.) As mentioned it's across the street from a high school.

3.) Judging from the parking lot, there was a dance going on.

4.) And all of you Twilight obsessors know - the first movie was coming out at midnight.

In other words - the aisles were filled with annoying teenagers.

Do I find all teenagers annoying? NO! (and I work with some real winners)

My sympathy goes out to the management of this store.



There were even moms wandering around with the teenagers, all of them with the stupid plastic fangs in their mouths.

The magazine aisle was crowded with a circle of girls sitting Indian-style (oops - not PC) criss-cross-applesauce with magazines in their laps.

There was an almost constant sound of things crashing to the floor.

I couldn't get out of there fast enough.

But we did - and there were more teenagers in the parking lot.

I'm torn between suggesting that you do check out this store because it's so nice OR telling you to run for your life.

Either way - avoid it at noon. It's an open campus.

PS Yes, I'm well aware that I just alienated ALL of my friends. You vampire-obsessed weirdos.


Melissa K said...

you can't knock it til you've tried it!! :P

Jaye said...

I am with you sista... although I just haven't read the books because I don't have time. I am thinking I might turn to the dark side next week.