Sunday, March 01, 2009

"Stand By For News"

My heart hurts.

I adore this man and used to (back in the old days) arrange my commute around his broadcast schedule.

I remember sitting in the driveway with the car running on countless evenings and after a long day at work, not able to tear myself away until I had heard The Rest of the Story.

Has there ever been a voice so comforting and trusted?


Anonymous said...

You are the one who introduced me to him. I used to do the smae thing....sit in the driveway waiting to hear the end. Probably at the exact same time as you on our way home from the exact same place!


JP said...

Was on the treadmil this morning when I read the news blurb. I was so very sad. It was weird.

Jaye said...

I was explaining to The Hubby how Dad would have us listen to him. I too am SAD! Keep a watch out for his 'greatest hits' (for lack of a better word.)