Sunday, March 22, 2009

Writer's Block Much?

There's far too much swimming in my head.

Too much sickness, busy-ness, birthday madness, Beehive happiness, husband inventory-ness. Too much trying to escape my mind through my finger tips.

Okay. You Asked for it.

No. You're too good of a friend. I won't list it all.

But I will take this opportunity to gently, gently tell Megan that I wish she could have joined Jehn and I for our

date with Elisabeth on Thursday.


Jennifer B. said...

aww!! yes! that would be the ONLY way it could have been any better!! :) I'll be posting pictures/videos soon!

The Santini Stew said...

WHAT!?!?! No WAY! I wish I could have been there. How is she?
yes- Jehn- post pictures! I miss that girl.

The Coolest Allen Family said...

I miss you when you are gone.