Friday, May 22, 2009

Back on the Fence

Oh dear... it's going to be a lengthy post. And not on the topic that some of you may be expecting.


This year Isaac was blessed with a wonderful teacher. This fabulous woman has raised her kids, gone back to school, and this year was her first as a teacher.

We love her. L-O-V-E. Love.

Drama. Many of us parents unknowingly referred her to parents of upcoming 4th graders and raved about her on her end-of-year review. In a twist of fate, this praise was a detriment to our beloved teacher and cost her her position because the principal interpretted this love and support from the parents as her campaigning for her contract to be renewed.

Not the case!

Parents united, and shared stories about the difference she has made on their child's lives. (I'm not sure of the full extent, but I think it got ugly... parents storming the principal's office and the district office and board meetings.)

Sigh. In the meantime, Isaac did get accepted to the accelerated program, which has caused us quite a bit of grief: it requires another change of schools for Isaac.

He doesn't want to do it. We tried to let him make the decision, but then had to make it for him. We even attended the big meeting and made the commitment to attend the accelerated program next year. Much to Isaac's frustration.

Big News. After mucho, mucho drama, our sweet teacher has been offered a 5th grade teaching position at our school.

Now What? Do we stick with the new program at the new school, which comes with it's own fabulous teacher?

Or do I let Isaac stay at our school, so we can have Round 2 with a teacher that we all adore?

I'm sure that I don't have to tell you his vote.

My vote? Help me decide.


Anonymous said...

I went through the same thing in 6th grade. I was accepted to attend a accelerated program that would have made me move schools. My favorite teacher who had left our school was coming back to teach 6th grade of all grades, and I had to make a choice. I chose to stay at my school and have a blast as a 6th grader with my favorite teacher.
I can tell you that I Don't regret my decision. It was better to have my favorite teacher and be with all my friends then to have to go to a new school, make new friends, and feel alone you know?
Just giving you my opinion :)

Jamie said...

Does your kid REALLY need the accelerated program? I mean I'm sure he'd like it if he ended up going, but in the eternal scheme of things? A GOOD teacher who I loved could do more for me than an accelerated program. I already know what you really want to do (put him back in his old school, so are you just putting him in the other program so you can be the mom of a smart kid in a "program"?

Jamie said...

So I was thinking that I sounded kinda mean in my comment, so here is the disclaimer.....sorry! I would totally force my kid to go to a school that she didn't want to...I want my kid to have opportunities, but I would want to think of myself as the mom who didn't!

Jess said...

Jaime - you're funny. You didn't come across mean - at all.

You helped me see it from another angle.


Tiercy said...

hey jess...i agree that a beloved teacher can make more of a difference then anything else. How are you feeling these days?