Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I'm Not Their Favorite Customer

I caused a bit of commotion yesterday.


I had to stop by a jewelry store and immediately the saleswoman offered to have her jeweler clean my wedding ring. (it must have been disgusting)

Several minutes later, and just as I was leaving, one of the other employees handed me a ring.

I said "that's not my ring" and turned around to look at more jewelry, leaving 4-5 other employees to have a group panic attack behind my back.

They pulled themselves together and (after re-checking) my saleswoman assured me that it was my ring.

The first time the ring was handed to me, a tissue was wrapped around it, and it appeared to only have one band, mine has two. Not to mention my ring was actually clean. Who would have thought it could make that much difference?

I'm not sure how many times I apologized, but it wasn't long before I was on my way with the proper ring on my finger.


The Coolest Allen Family said...

Well you know what they say... "If you like it then you shoulda put a ring on it"

Anonymous said...

you made me laugh! Rebecca

Tiercy said...

I love when my wedding rings get cleaned at a real jewlers, because home cleaners just don't work.