Thursday, May 07, 2009

Life Is Like a Box of Pasta

Please pardon the obscene amount of Word Barfing tonight.

(someone is feeling a little bottled up)

After having a pretty crummy Wednesday, I needed some 'therapy', and what better way (after consuming a ton of chocolate) than to break in the new Ravioli Cutter.

Even taking it out of the box was theraputic - can you say bubble wrap?

Without a lot of time, and without the family recipe, I just threw together some ingredients for the filling: hamburger, sausage, sage, spinach, and some salt and pepper.

My first batch of ravioli turned out pretty well. Not near as spinach-y as our regular ones, but it passed The Test. The whole family ate them. Even Isaac.

Over on the terminally ill computer is a list that I've compiled of other ravioli recipes that I'm anxious to try. In my Forest Gump voice: Mushroom ravioli, shrimp ravioli, butternut squash ravioli...

Stay tuned!


Anonymous said...

I really wish You could bring your pasta to school. It sounds super delicious :)

Tiercy said...

anything you make is delicious!!!

Jaye said...

you forgot to send some my way...

do you remember the time mom fried the ravioli? SO GOOD!