Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Fat

I couldn't resist.

After a long absence from our lives, I made bacon this morning.

I found a package buried in the freezer, thawed it, and threw it on the George Foreman.

Just about this time, Maddie's head popped up from the couch like a meercat in the desert.

"I smell bacon."

I nodded and then, with me in total agreement she said "it smells like Grandma K.'s".

Oh, it does.

Is it sad that some of my favorite memories start with bacon?

Family campouts, family breakfast, family spending the weekend at Grandma and Grampa's.

Does that mean that bacon equals family?

After my bacon sizzled on the George Foreman, I put it in a very hot pan to finish crisping up, leaving behind just the perfect amount of bacon grease. After I removed the crispy bacon, Maddie watched me crack the eggs and was thoroughly grossed out that I dropped the raw eggs in to the hot bacon grease.

Amused, I went in to an explanation about how we live in a different time, and that women used to carefully save their bacon grease to use it for later, and I even remember my own health-conscious mom sometimes having a jar in the fridge to flavor green beans.

You know that the episode of Raymond was in the back of my mind the whole time... the one where Marie is still upset with Frank for throwing out the fat.

Maddie, Isaac and I sat down to our yummy breakfast and it wasn't before long that Maddie said "you're right, it does make the eggs better".


JP said...

Bacon. It really does seem to bring people together.

Also, now I'm really hungry.

JP said...

my word verification was postHAMM.
Thought that was funny

malibustacy said...

Aw, the smell of bacon reminds me of Foresthill too. =)
And my mom has always kept a jar of bacon grease in the fridge for beans. =)

Jaye said...

Ask Brent: EVERYTIME we have bacon I say 'It smells like Gramma & Grandpa's house. I love it!
I also love that we all think the same thing :)