Wednesday, November 07, 2007

A Couple of Kodak Moments

Now that I'm catching up on life, it's time to catch up on picture posting...
Especially for Bampa:
I'm dying to get back out to this little, poverty-ridden mining town out in the middle of nowhere. It was snowing when we passed through, so I had no takers for posing in the cold. I'll be back in the spring.
Isaac is so excited to be a Boy Scout. Blame it on the mono, it took for ever for us to get his first merit badge. David's going to kill me.
Isaac got bored during breakfast on Sunday. What you don't see on the top is my car key and two gift cards.
Notice those week-old scabs on his forehead? Little boys should watch for brick walls when running for a football pass.
This is the cat's Rush Hour Perch. We live towards the mouth of the subdivision, and every night, as the cars stream in after work, the headlights shine in through the window and bounce around on the wall. Kitty waits and then... Attacks!
Kitty is still pretty psycho. Do you suppose it's something I'm doing?

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