Wednesday, November 02, 2005

When Good Pets Go Bad

She pulled down the insulation in my basement. She destroyed a perfectly good full-sized mattress. She ate one of my favorite sweaters. She shredded her 2 (expensive) doggy pillows. She knocks down any person who gets close enough. She is unbelievably strong. She chewed the posts on my deck. She has all but ruined my brand-new house. My shoulder will never be the same after trying to maintain control of her on a leash. I’m ready for her to not live at our house anymore. PS This is my 100th post. Whoopty-freakin'-do.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like my house--except mine isn't a dog, it's a 2 year old (with his older brothers helping once in a while!)


Anonymous said...

We should celebrate your 100th post. Why don't you come out to California a little over a month from now? Sound good? ;)