Monday, December 01, 2008

Are You Holding Out On Me?

I just typed a blog about my feelings towards my high school students. Some really good, some not so much. I will go so far to say that I compared some to Granzella's bread and others to icky bologna.

But then I chickened out. It seems that I am censoring my blogs more and more. Last week my friend told me that she un-published several posts for fear that her parents might get offended.

Several times I've entertained the thought of starting an anonymous blog.

Are you finding that you're holding back?

Or do you already have your secret blog?


Tifferbob said...

I hold back, it's hard not to.

There's been a few posts that I've gone back ten minutes later and taken down in fear it was too much information. I do try to be as true to myself as possible. If something sucks then I generally just say it in the hopes that anyone reading understands I'm just human.

malibustacy said...

I hold back. Or I post 'em and go back and delete 'em. =)