Tuesday, December 02, 2008

The Outing

You are going to be so sick of me by day's end. There are just too many things randomly swirling around my noggin.

I've been a part-time-stay-at-home-mom for a few months now. I thoroughly love it.

But sometimes, like today, I feel like I'm treading on someone else's turf. (yes I know 'else's' isn't a word)

I. Got. To. Go. To. Robert's. Alone.

It was 9:30. There were some shoppers, but not shoulder to shoulder like it often is. The paranoid side of me thought that the others were giving me funny looks. Like I didn't genuinely belong there. Like I'm not a full-blooded home-maker. Like they knew.

I still enjoyed it. Too much. $$$

Maybe next time I'll do it right and take some Bon Bons or Haagen Daaz with me.

PS For the Californians, Robert's is like Michael's, but smaller and better.

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