Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Talk About Cutting Off My Right Arm...

I have been offline. All day!

When I called tech support (over and over throughout the day) I got a fast-busy-signal, leading me to believe that

1.) The internet provider went out of business and took my credit card number with them or

2.) The entire system is down, and all of the callers are flooding the phone system, causing the fast-busy.

What is a (part-time) housewife to do without internet?! It was a nightmare, let me tell you.

I folded laundry, (sort of) cleaned my room, and prepared whatever food 'sick' Maddie asked for. The horror!

It turns out that the fabulous 4-1-1 gave me the wrong number for the internet provider and I just needed to do a little (ahem) rebooting.

I missed you. Please don't go away again.

1 comment:

Tifferbob said...

I too, miss the internet when it's not available. It's a little piece of the outside world.