Thursday, December 04, 2008

To Go or Not To Go

Ummmmm... it's not an overly productive day (thank you sleepless night, the 2nd in a row).

I've puttered.

But I must say that I'd rather just sit and chat with you.

I've finished off the baked macaroni and cheese, finally removing all temptation from my refrigerator.

Maybe that obscene amount of carbs will give me a big energy boost.


I think, now don't jump out of your seat, but I think that I'm going to venture out. Maybe it's time to get some wrapping paper. I've got a couple of things that could go under the tree.

The problem is, and you know how it is: wrapping paper isn't the only thing that's going to jump into my basket. I don't have a good track record lately. I'm bound to find more to go on the tree. But I need to focus more on putting things under it.

It's cheaper to just stay home. I think I will.

But then you're stuck with more of my rambling.

1 comment:

Jaye said...

Lately when I go to a store (for one thing) I leave with at least $50+ worth of groceries. blah.